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【授课通知】德国科隆大学Bjorn Ahl教授英文国际法课程

发布时间:2018-03-05    作者:    来源:     浏览次数:    

Prof. Dr. Björn Ahl

德国科隆大学中国法律文化专业教授。 现任科隆大学人文学院东亚系系主任。

曾任中国政法大学中欧开元游戏大厅网站中国法、比较法及国际法专业客座教授,香港城市大学助理法学教授, 哥廷根大学及南京大学中德法学研究所副所长以及海德堡马克斯普朗克研究所公法比较法及国际法方向科研人员。

1993 年进入海德堡大学法律系攻读法律专业,于 1999 年以优异的成绩通过德国第一次国家考试。 在此期间, 先后在海德堡大学和南京大学学习汉语,并相继获得德国国家奖学金和阿尔弗雷德克虏伯, 冯伯伦、海尔贝克基金会奖学金。

1999 年至 2001 年法律实习期间, 先后在海德堡基层法院、地方法院、 地方检察院和巴登- 符腾堡州行政上诉法院担任法官助理、检察官助理, 卡尔斯鲁厄地区行政机构法务部实习生。 2001 年通过德国第二次国家考试,并于 2008 年获得海德堡大学博士学位。

从事中国公法方向的研究,侧重于中国宪法发展, 特别是司法改革和宪法基本性权利的诉讼等方面。 在行政法方面,其研究涵盖中国对国际移民的管理政策、法律及其实践。 在国际公法方面,关注国际公法在中国的实践、中国学者对国际公法问题的看法以及国际条约在国内的实施。同时也涉足与大中华地区和中国地区法律发展相关的比较法、法律移植及法律文化方向的研究。

欧洲中国法研究协会主席; 香港大学中国法研究中心客座研究员;中德法学家协会董事会成员。

Björn Ahl is Professor and Chair of Chinese Legal Culture. Before joining the University of Cologne in 2012, he was Visiting Professor of Chinese Law, Comparative Public Law and International Law in the China EU School of Law at the Chinese University of Political Science and Law in Beijing. Prior to that he held a position as Assistant Professor of Law in the City University of Hong Kong. He has also worked as Associate Director and Lecturer in the Sino German Institute of Legal Studies of Nanjing University and as a Researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg.

He received a doctorate in law from the University of Heidelberg in 2008 and passed the second state examination in law in 2001. Prior tothat he served as a legal clerk in the Heidelberg District Court, Local Court and Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Administrative Appellate Court of Baden-Württemberg and the Legal Department of the Regional Administrative Council in Karlsruhe. He completed the first state examination with distinction in 1999. Björn Ahl studied law and Chinese language at the Universities of Heidelberg and Nanjing with scholarships of the German National Scholarship Foundation and the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Stiftung.

His research in Chinese law focuses on constitutional development, in particular on judicial reforms and rights litigation. Chinese administrative law including policies, laws and practice of regulating international migration to China is a further focal point of his research. Chinese practice of public international law and Chinese scholarly views on issues of public international law as well as domestic implementation of international treaties form another area of research. Finally, he investigates issues of comparative law, legal transfers and legal culture, which are related to Greater China and Chinese legal development.

Björn Ahl is President of the European China Law Studies Association; Fellow at the Center for Chinese Law of the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law; and Board Member of the Sino German Jurists Association.
